Verifying Greenpeace Claims report: BSI Group issues clarification and summary statement

Press release: 19 August 2010

BSI Group (BSI) has today published a clarification and summary statement for the report "BSI-CUC Verifying Greenpeace Claims Case: PT SMART Tbk". The report which was produced for PT SMART verified claims made against the company by Greenpeace in five of its reports(1).

The clarification and summary statement has been produced on behalf of the Independent Verification Exercise (IVEX) Team(2) to correct elements of the report that have been misreported as it has been published and presented.

Notes to editors

  1. The five Greenpeace reports verified were: "Burning Up Borneo", "Illegal Forest Clearance and RSPO Greenwash: Case Studies of Sinar Mas", "Caught Red Handed", "New Evidence: Sinar Mas – Rainforest and Peatland Destruction" and PowerPoint Presentation: "Sinar Mas Continues Rainforest Destruction".
  2. The IVEX Team comprised BSI Group (BSI), Control Union Certification (CUC) and experts from the Faculty of Forestry at Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB).